🌍 Building inclusive communities
All talk of the 4th industrial revolution calls for digital transformation. However, if that transformation is led by a non-diverse group, we face a dystopian future. To sow the seeds of diversity within the field of machine learning, we're here to present a one day Introduction to Machine Learning workshop for Womxn, by Womxn.
Johannesburg, South Africa
Saturday, 16 November 2019
Women In Tech ZA
Women in Tech ZA is a meetup that focuses on empowering women in tech & providing an environment that breeds innovation & creativity through diversity, learning & collaboration. Each monthly event is based on a a different theme.
Johannesburg, South Africa
January 2018 until Decemeber 2018
Ladies that UX
LTUX is a meetup that serves a space for women to learn more about user experience in a practical sense, whilst building meaningful relationships with ine another. Each monthly events consists of a presentation as well as a workshop that provides practical skills to the attendees.
Johannesburg, South Africa
January 2017 until December 2018
GFPA Foundation Aviation & Space Camp
The GFPA Foundation Aviation & Space Camp 2018 brought together hundred girls from different provinces to learn about stem. I designed the curriculum and led a full day robotics workshop using micro bits kits. We build obsatcle detectors, soil moisture detectors, emoji and dice games, and radio transmitters
Magaliesberg, South Africa
August 2017
Lead Facilitator (Robotics)
RailsBridge Workshops are free courses targeted at groups of people that are under-represented in tech. The courses cover an introduction to programming concepts, the available tools, Rails, Ruby, HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.
Johannesburg, South Africa
April 2018
Rails Girls
Rails Girls is a free workshop that is aimed at teaching girls to code. During the free two-day workshop we explore the magical world of Ruby on Rails, & built an application together. We covered designing, prototyping & coding.
Johannesburg, South Africa
Black Girls Code
Black Girls Code is a not-for-profit organization that focuses on providing technology education for African-American girls
Johannesburg, South Africa & Silicon Valley, USA
2017 & 2014